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This website is operated by the Municipality of Diaková and is processed in compliance with current legislation, web content accessibility guidelines under Schedule No. 1 of the Decree on Standards for Information Systems in Public Administration (effective from 01 October 2008, issued in the Financial Bulletin of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic No. 9/2008).

Web content administrator

Municipality of Diaková

Municipal Office:

Obecný úrad Diaková
Diaková 18
038 02 Dražkovce pri Martine

Company identification number (IČO): 00 648 370
DIČ: 2020591804

Bank connection - IBAN: SK9256000000003000536001

Autonomous regions of: Žilinský
District: Martin
Region: Turiec
Number of inhabitants: 568 (as of 09.06.2023)
Area: 242 ha
First written records: in the year 1348


Tel.: +421 43 413 11 26

Cell phones:
Mayor: +421 907 563 253
Accountant: +431 907 687 254

The Municipality of Diaková is an independent territorial, autonomous and administrative unit of the Slovak Republic, exercising its autonomous competence independently (Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipal Establishment). 

The seat of the Construction Authority for the Municipality of Diaková at the Municipal Office in: Sučany
Workplace: Nám. S. H. Vajanského 1, 036 01 Martin (MsÚ Martin building)

Technical operator of website:
Ostrovského 2
040 01 Košice
Slovenská republika
